Perry's Cheese Blog — Cheese Making
Why Buy British Cheese?
Perry Wakeman

Locally-made food is becoming increasingly clamoured for. With the same old industrially-made cheeses on supermarket shelves, food lovers are looking towards more esoteric varieties that come from independent farms. We’d pull up a statistic or study to prove our point, but the simple fact that we’ve been able to open up a Rennet and Rind brick-and-mortar shop and still have it going strong after 6 months is indicative of a demand for authentic quality produce from smaller farms. With local produce becoming a more important part of our shopping habits, why should we be choosing British cheese, over its...
The Terroir of Cheese: Exploring the Influence of Farm Location
Perry Wakeman

Personality oozes out of every artisan cheese, and there's a magical element that sets each piece apart, telling a tale not just of its maker but of its homeland. This element is terroir, a French term that means "A Sense of Place." At Rennet and Rind, we’ve lifted the curtain on how artisan cheese is made in our partner farms, and now we’re going to examine how the location and circumstances of a farm can contribute directly to its fromage produce, and it all comes down to terroir. Terroir is often discussed in the context of other fine foods and...
What is Rennet in Cheese? A Comprehensive Guide
Perry Wakeman

When it comes to cheese production, rennet is a crucial ingredient that plays a vital role in the coagulation process. Rennet is an enzyme responsible for causing the milk to coagulate and turn into junket, which is cut, and then separated into curds and whey. A vital part of cheese making cheese. With rennet, we can produce many types of cheese that we know and love. In this blog, we will discuss rennet, its types, how it works, and its role in cheese production. What is Rennet? Rennet is an enzyme found in young mammals' stomachs, such as calves, lambs,...