How to Make Your Cheese Last Longer: Expert Tips from Rennet & Rind

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How to Make Your Cheese Last Longer: Expert Tips from Rennet & Rind

Cheese is a living, breathing food that requires proper care to preserve its flavor and texture. Here at Rennet & Rind, we’re passionate about our artisan cheese, and we want you to enjoy it in the best possible condition. Follow these expert tips to create your very own cheese maturing room right in your fridge!

Creating a Dedicated Cheese Container for Proper Storage

To store your cheese like a pro, start by dedicating a container in your fridge exclusively for your cheese. This simple step helps maintain a consistent environment, similar to the controlled conditions we use in our maturing rooms, known as affinage. Here's how to do it:

  • Choose a Container: Use a large airtight container to create a stable, sealed environment for your cheese.
  • Wrap with Original Cheese Paper: Keep your cheese wrapped in the original cheese paper we provide at Rennet & Rind. The cheese paper is designed to balance airflow, allowing the cheese to breathe while protecting it from drying out.
  • Seal it Tightly: Wrap the cheese paper tightly against the cheese, ensuring minimal exposure to air.

Understanding the Biggest Enemy of Cheese: Humidity

Humidity is the key factor in keeping cheese fresh. Too little, and your cheese will dry out; too much, and it could become soggy or moldy. Think of cheese as a moisture-rich food. That moisture naturally wants to escape to drier areas, which is what happens when cheese is exposed to fluctuating humidity in your fridge.

Every time you open your fridge to grab a snack or a carton of milk, the humidity changes. This constant fluctuation can quickly deteriorate your cheese if it isn’t sealed in its own environment. That’s where your dedicated cheese container comes in.

Elevating Your Cheese Storage: The Power of Humidity Control

To truly take your cheese storage to the next level, it’s essential to control the humidity in your cheese container. Here’s how to keep your cheese in optimal condition for longer:

  1. Start with a New Bottle of Mineral Water: Avoid using tap water, which could introduce unwanted contaminants. Grab a bottle of fresh, clean mineral water.
  2. Dampen a Kitchen Cloth: Take a clean piece of kitchen cloth or paper towel and lightly dampen it with the mineral water. Be careful not to soak it—just a little moisture will do.
  3. Place the Damped Cloth in the Container: Position the damp cloth inside the cheese container, but keep it away from direct contact with the cheese itself.
  4. Achieve Perfect Humidity Levels: This trick increases the humidity in the container to around 85-90%, keeping your cheese moist and preventing it from drying out.

By maintaining consistent humidity in your container, your cheese will stay fresher for longer, retaining its texture and flavor, just like the cheese we mature in our affinage rooms.


We don’t know your specific fridge conditions, so please follow all FSA guidelines on safe refrigeration and temperature settings. Always refer to the storage instructions provided on the packaging for safe storage recommendations.

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