
Bix is similar to a French style triple cream like Brillat Savarin. The blooming white rind lends an earthy aroma of white button mushrooms, smoothing out the edges of cream and the interior is dense, rich and buttery, delivering notes of grassy sweetness, hints of yoghurt and moves towards salted butter on toast.

Luxurious and complex, this triple-cream cheese is prized for its indulgence.

Produced by Rose Grimond at Nettlebed Creamery and made with organic milk from their herd of Montbéliarde, & Holstein Friesians.

Winner of Best Soft White at the British Cheese Awards.

  • Matured on site at Rennet & Rind by Perry

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  • MILK


Organic Friesian, Swedish Red and Montbeliarde

Organic animals must be fed a natural and organic diet. For cows, this means a grass-rich diet.

Most non-organic cows are fed with imported, genetically modified animal feed, which is prohibited under organic standards. Whilst non-organic cows are generally given more concentrated feed (on average a third more) to increase milk production, in organic systems, cows must be fed a minimum of 60% forage (grass-based diet).



The process of pasteurisation involves heating milk to 71.7°C for at least 15 seconds (and no more than 25 seconds). Because of the nature of the heat treatment it sometimes referred to as the ‘High Temperature Short Time’ (HTST) process. Once the milk has been heated, it is then cooled very quickly to less than 3°C. The equipment which is used to heat and cool the milk is called a ‘heat exchanger’.

Nettlebed, Oxfordshire, british isles

"My great-grandfather bought the farm here in Nettlebed in 1901. My grandfather created the dairy in 1950. We converted to organic in 2001. We are very proud to be organic. We truly believe that the most responsible way to create food is to be certified organic by The Soil Association. In his book The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan points out that for every calorie of food created in a non-organic farming system, two calories of energy from fossil fuel have been used. In an organic system, that calorie of food has taken a calorie of energy from the sun. By not using pesticides, fungicides and fertiliser, we enable nature to carry on in her own way — and with that comes a wealth of biodiversity. We are extremely lucky to be able to enjoy the countryside around the farm with its abundance of wildlife. AND to enjoy the exceptional milk produced by the happy herd of cows, and the dairy products we make using that milk.

We hope you enjoy the rewards of this organic farm as much as we do."

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Baked Dotatto Fig Ball - Rennet & Rind British Artisan Cheese