
Britain's Best Cheddar Cheese

Perry Wakeman

The Quintessential British Artisan Cheddars: When it comes to British cheeses, the world-famous cheddar stands proudly at the forefront. With its rich history, diverse flavours, and commitment to craftsmanship, artisan cheddars from the UK are nothing short of culinary treasures. In this blog, we'll take you on a delightful journey through the top 5 British artisan cheddars, each offering a unique taste of tradition and innovation. 1. Pitchfork Cheddar Pitchfork Cheddar, produced by skilled artisans, embodies the essence of Somerset, England. This cheddar boasts a robust and complex flavour profile. Its tangy, nutty notes are derived from the highest quality, locally...

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Perry Wakeman


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A Brief History of Cheese in the UK

Perry Wakeman

A Brief History of Cheese in the UK

Cheese has a rich and diverse history in the United Kingdom, dating back to the Roman occupation over 2,000 years ago. Since then, cheese has played a significant role in British culture and cuisine, with over 700 different types of cheese produced in the UK today. Read on as we take you through the origins of cheese in England all the way up to the present day. The Roman Influence The Romans were known for their love of cheese, and they introduced a variety of cheese-making techniques to the UK. The most significant contribution was the art of cheesemaking. The...

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A Comprehensive Guide to Cheese: Types, Production, and Consumption

Perry Wakeman

A Comprehensive Guide to Cheese: Types, Production, and Consumption

A Beginner's Guide to Cheese: Types, Production, and How to Enjoy It Cheese is a versatile and delicious food that has been enjoyed for centuries. With so many types of cheese available, it can be overwhelming to choose which one to try. In this beginner's guide to cheese, we will cover the most popular types of cheese, how it is made, and how to enjoy it. Types of Cheese: Soft Cheese: Creamy and spreadable, soft cheese is perfect for snacking or adding to recipes. Popular types of soft cheese include brie, camembert, and ricotta. Hard Cheese: Firm and aged, hard...

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Perry Wakeman

I’m absolutely chuffed to bits to share with you, that yesterday our very own Perry was crowned Affineur of the Year for 2022, at the first ever Affineur of the Year competition held in London, and not only did he win the judges vote but the people’s choice award as well! If you’d like to find out a little bit more, I’ve attached our ‘Project Priscilla’ notes and here’s a link to that special moment we found out the tremendous news. Perry’s face is priceless!  (Ctrl click) If you want learn more about Priscilla see our summary of her journey here ---> Full Project...

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